Alexander Nikolic

Lebt und arbeitet als Künstler in Wien. Seine prozessorientierten Projekte und Arbeiten behandeln Fragen von Klasse, Migration, urban-ruralen Konkfliktzonen, Partizipation, Netzwerken, etc. Bisherige Projekte u.a. SLUM-TV Kenya, Under the Bridge Belgrade, Serious Pop – strategies on aehstetical appropriation in South Eastern Europe revisited. Derzeit betreibt er gemeinsam mit Freunden BOEM*Wien, eine Initiative an den Rändern von Kunst, Kultur, Politik und emanzipatorischer, inklusiver Praxis in den Räumlichkeiten einer ehemaligen im Besitz von MigrantInnen betriebenen Bar und Baufirma in Wiens 16. Bezirk.

Alexander Nikolic

Fine artist based in Vienna, worked on process orientated projects, which deal with questions of class, migration, urban – rural conflict zones, participation, networking ect. Former Projects: SLUM-TV Kenya, Under the Bridge Belgrade, Serious Pop – strategies on aehstetical appropriation in South Eastern Europe revisited. In the moment working with BOEM* Vienna, a former migrant owned bar and construction company, located in the not so beautiful part of Vienna’s 16th district, with two friends of mine, on the edges of art, culture, politics and emancipatory inclusive practices.

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