Understanding Gezi Park
Live Gespräch von Sandra Voser22. Juni 2013
»A public space, with various levels of privacy and publicity, can be the only context in our modern society where we can see each other as humans. Thus, the significance of Gezi Park.«
Bahanur Nasya
Three weeks ago, peaceful protests against the redevelopment of Istanbul's central Gezi PArk snowballed into nationwide anti-government protests. Thousands of citizens have ever since been subject to immense police brutality by the AKP authorities as a reaction to their uprising. This special feature of dérive - radio for urban research tries to get to the bottom of the protest and to explore its underlying discourses. Sandra Voser and Zsaklin Diana Macumba will discuss the topic with their guests, architect and filmmaker Bahanur Nasya, media artist Yilmaz Vurucu, curator and activist Isin Önol and architect and writer Isben Önen.
Bahanur Nasya is a Viennese architect, designer and film producer. Her research interests are the Black Sea coastline in cross comparison with the situation in the Austrian Alps. Together with Yilamz Vurucu, she made the documentary „The Sea in Me“ about the city of Sinop, where rapid and unplanned urbanization threatens the traditional nature-oriented lifestyle. For more information: http://www.xsentrikarts.com/documentaries/theseainme/
Yilmaz Vurucu is a multidisciplinary media artist. He has directed music videos, branded TV stations, created motion graphic design, in addition to having written and directed TV campaigns, commercials and short films.
Isin Önol is a curator born in Turkey and based in Vienna. In her curatorial and artistic work she is concerned with occupying spaces dealing with notions of censorship, discrimination and otherness as well as strategies for participation, transmitting information and hidden political connotation. In order to show solidarity with the protests in Turkey, she organised a performance with the dervish dancer Ziya Azazi in Brussels. Furthermore, she co-founded the website http://everywheretaksim.net/, archiving different media sources from the protest movement.
For more information: http://isinonol.com/
Isben Önen, born 1980 in Ankara, has been living in Vienna since 2007. He works as an architect and as a writer for the Turkish magazine JAZZ. He is a PhD candidate at the University of Applied Arts, Vienna.
Redaktion und Sendungsverantwortung: Sandra Voser
Mitarbeit: Pawel Kaminski, Zsaklin Diana Macumba
Signations: Bernhard Gal
Erstausstrahlung: Donnerstag, 20. Juni 2013, 18:00 auf Radio Orange 94.0 (Wien) oder als Livestream
Sendung abonnieren: CBA Podcast
Musik im Beitrag:
Sound of Pots and Pans - Tencere Tava Havasi - Kardeş Türküler
Duman - Eyvallah
Piano by Klaviermusik (Davide Martello)
Weiterführende Informationen:
Information und Kontakt: http://www.derive.at, radio [at] derive.at
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