Making Housing Affordable in in Fast-Growing Chinese Cities
A Shenzhen PerspectiveLike many other Chinese cities, Shenzhen is experiencing intense spatial transformation. Downgraded neighborhoods are replaced with luxury housing, shopping malls and offices. Such development might improve the competitiveness of the city, but ignores the affordability of the city for lower-income groups. The reliance on the market parties to develop affordable housing has not produced satisfying results. The old Danwei housing, which is profusely present throughout Shenzhen, has a number of qualities that make it attractive for redevelopment. Might it solve the shortage of affordable housing for the young and creative class, and thereby contribute positively to the transformation of Shenzhen?
Haotian Lin took part in Shenzhen Scenarios 2.0 – Livability in Shenzhen within the Complex Cities Studio co-organized by the International New Town Institute (INTI).