Jeffrey Hou

Jeffrey Hou ist Associate Professor und Chair of Landscape Architecture an der University of Washington, Seattle. Seine Arbeitsschwerpunkte liegen in den Bereichen community design, design activism, critical urbanism, and Placemaking sozialer Randgruppen. Er ist City of Vienna Visiting Professor 2013 (Senior). Jeffrey Hou ist Herausgeber von Transcultural Cities: Border-Crossing and Placemaking (2013) und Insurgent Public Space: Guerrilla Urbanism and the Remaking of Contemporary Cities (2010). Darüber hinaus ist er Mitherausgeber von Now Urbanism: the Future City is Here, das 2014 erscheinen wird.

Jeffrey Hou

Associate Professor and Chair of Landscape Architecture at the University of Washington, Seattle. His work focuses on community design, design activism, critical urbanism, and placemaking by marginalized social groups. He is City of Vienna Visiting Professor 2013 (Senior). Jeffrey Hou is the editor of Transcultural Cities: Border-Crossing and Placemaking (2013) and Insurgent Public Space: Guerrilla Urbanism and the Remaking of Contemporary Cities (2010). He is also a co-editor of Now Urbanism: the Future City is Here, to be released in 2014.

Zur Website von Jeffrey Hou


A Proposal for Interdisciplinary Spatial Inquiries
Seite 37-40

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