Lorenzo Tripodi

Lorenzo Tripodi, Architect, holds a PhD in Urban, Regional and Environmental Design, complemented by a steady practice of urban divagations as an artist and an activist. Co-founder of Tesserae. Develops an experimental artistic activity within the ogino:knauss collective producing films, documentaries, video-installations, photography, graphic design and new media.

Laura Colini

Laura Colini, PhD in Urban, Regional and Environmental Design, Habil. in Urban Studies. Her work covers socio- spatial inequalities, with a focus on public policies addressing migrants and refugees, and housing. She has worked in academia in Italy, Germany, France, USA and cur- rently holds a research position at H-City Cluster on housing and city at IUAV Venice University. Co-founder of Tesserae urban and social research, MiMetis SRL migration, member of the artist collective ogino:knauss and INURA.

Manuela Conti

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