Primary Care Culture
Community centres in PolandIn the era of global climate crisis, mass migrations, and the collapse of the established forms of social relations, more than ever we need places where people meet, collaborate, and form bonds. In aging societies we should be thinking about a platform of mutual assistance. When our flats are shrinking and turning into bedrooms, we should consider how to generate full-fledged living rooms and common zones that will not be taken over by the capitalist system. With our neighbourhoods becoming increasingly multinational, we need shared spaces where we could learn from each other, and where every person feels accepted. Although local collaborative spaces in themselves do not provide a sufficient solution to the deepening social differences and atomisation, they nevertheless create a real opportunity to shift the emphasis towards caring for the common good, and caring for each other.
Karol Kurnicki is a research fellow at the University of Warwick.
Barbara Nawrocka is an architect based in Kraków, Poland.
Dominika Wilczyńska is an architect based in Kraków, Poland.